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Why Meg Nakagawa Weaves Cloth
July 29, 2012 rayela

Why Meg Nakagawa Weaves Cloth

Posted in Blog, Featured Artist, TAFA: The Textile and Fiber Art List

Meg Nakagawa and her mother.

So many of us who have a creative life do so because our parents or grandparents showed us that path.  Meg Nakagawa tells how her mother, an avid knitter, would have preferred to weave, but didn’t have the tools.  Meg, after exploring embroidery, crochet and other textile arts, went on to make that dream come true.  She makes cloth, beautiful cloth!

As TAFA‘s featured member, she explains how that process centers her and connects her to history.

Read her story here:  “Why I Weave Cloth” by Meg Nakagawa


Cloth woven by Meg Nakagawa

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